副院长,党委委员,计算机专业第一负责人,国家自然科学基金会评专家(生命学部),The University of Oklahoma访问学者,科技部流动专员。主要从事嵌入式系统、森林碳汇智能监测与评价、智能计算、无线传感器网络相关研究。在Ecological Modelling、Plos One、International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks、International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering等刊物上发表学术论文数十篇。近5年主持的项目经费达200万。
[1]Junguo Hu,Jian Zhou,Guomo Zhou,* Yiqi Luo,Xiaojun Xu,Pingheng Li,and Junyi Liang.Improving Estimations of Spatial Distribution of Soil Respiration Using the Bayesian Maximum Entropy Algorithm and Soil Temperature as Auxiliary Data[J].PLoS ONE, 2016; 11(1)
[2]Hu Junguo,Zhou Guomo*,Xu Xiaojun. Using the Improved BP Neural Networks to Study Spatial Distribution of Sunshine Illumination from Sensor Network Data[J].Ecological Modelling ,2013,8:63-68
[3]Xiaoping Wu, Junguo Hu*, Yujia Jiang, Enbin Liu, and Guoying Wang.Target Tracking with NLOS Detection and Mitigation in Wireless Sensor Networks[J].International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,2013,11:67-79
[4]Hu Junguo,Zhou Jian,Zhou Guomo.Analysis of Temperature Spatial Distribution in the Tianmu Mountain Based on Quadtree Optimized BP Neural Networks[J].International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering,2014,7(6):933-639.
[6]Ji Yue Zheng, Jun Guo Hu*.Research of the Wireless sensor networks Routing Protocol Based on CEJ ant colony algorithm[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011,58-60:1566-1571.
[7]胡军国,祁亨年.基于云计算平台的CO2空间数据融合算法研究[J].计算机应用, 2012,32(4):1003-1008.
[10]胡军国,祁亨年,汪杭军.基于Linux 3S技术的土地基础信息采集关键技术研究[J].计算机工程,2009,35(19):201-205.
[12]Junguo Hu,Feng Dong,Hengnian Qi.Study on The Path Planning of Tourist Scenic Area Based on BVC Ant Colony Algorithm[C].In proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design,Hangzhou,China,October 29-31,2010.
[13]Luo Hui,Hu Jun-guo*.The Fast Displaying of Embedded GIS base on MBR-Index and Parallel Technology[C]. In proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering.Chengdu, China. November 16-18, 2010.
[14]Junguo Hu, Lili Xu, Xin Wang, Xiaojun Xu, Guangyun Su. Effects of BP algorithm-based activation functions on neural network convergence. Journal of Computers, 2018, 29(1).
[2]承担国际生《Advanced Programming Language》全英语课程教学。
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